Insurance Requirements:
- Minimum coverage $1 million per occurrence/$2 Million Aggregate
- The policy or endorsement must name the City of Provo as an additional insured.
- The reservation date and location must be clearly stated on the certificate.
- Evidence of the required insurance must be provided to City of Provo Parks no less than (15) days prior to the reservation. The event will be cancelled if such evidence is not received within the indicated timeline.
Application fee for a Level 1 Event: $5.00
We provide general liability insurance coverage for all individuals who participate at your event. Our specific coverage includes. $1 million per occurrence/$2 million aggregate. If more coverage is needed, please contact us and we can provide additional coverage.

If you require an “Additional Insured” document, please submit the following information:
If possible, please provide us at least 7 days to obtain and send you your paperwork.
Certificate of Insurance – Here is a copy of our insurance policy for your information. If you require a Certificate of Insurance for your event, please contact us. We will need the following information:
- Exact name of the entity to be named as an additional insured.
- Address, City, State and Zip code of the Named insured.
- Date of the event.
- Telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.
Please make your request at least one week prior to your event.